Website Update…
OK, I made a banner, I hope dad doesn’t get too upset, still have to work on the main page. However the family blog is working, I still have to back it up and add the new update, the good news…is that I am finally working on it. If you think the banner is bad, give me some ideas and I… Read more »
Can’t decide on colours
I will be making the website more user friendly very soon. I am thinking green and blue.. like my resume.. I was told these colours promote trust. What do you think? Anyone else have any ideas… images.. or graphics they like?
Quote – Judge Judy
God gave you two ears and one mouth… Which means you have to listen twice, and talk once. Judge Judy
New Website for Benoist’s
Hello Family & Friends… As you all know, I have been paying for website. A few years ago Joel paid for current URL. So finally, I decided to add a family blog. Because I want the family to all take part it makin our website personal. (Honestly… I really don’t know what content to add. ) Please register and post something… and enjoy…… Read more »